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Defender Seagull Spikes

Defender Bird Spikes - Seagull Bird Spik

Seagulls are incredibly persistent, loud and strong. To stop gulls from landing, roosting or perching on your property, you need Defender® Seagull Spikes. These seagull control spikes have much longer pins than our other bird spikes. This makes them suitable to protect ledges, roofs and chimneys from bigger birds like seagulls. The longer pins of this humane seagull spike push into the gull's breast, birds making it uncomfortable to nest or roost, and moving the birds on to an easier roosting site. These high quality Defender® Gull Deterrent Spikes are manufactured in the UK and come with a

25-Year "No Rust" Warranty. If you need to get rid of seagulls from your home quickly and easily - the Defender® Seagull Spikes won't let you down.

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